Great brands doing great things with Dokobit
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Rimi Lietuva is a retail network with about 3,300 employees. Currently, there are 75 Rimi stores of various sizes in Lithuania.

“Together with our partners, Dokobit, which had best met our needs and high-security requirements, we smoothly implemented a qualified e-signing functionality to Rimi’s document management system in all Baltic states.”
Asta Rekštienė, Head of Legal Department at Rimi Baltics
Signing documents by e-signature during pandemic for all kinds of businesses, including retail chains, has become more critical than ever. After the work processes moved to remote, during quarantine, Rimi Lietuva started implementing modern document management tools and using qualified e-signatures. Therefore, when they began working from home, signing documents by e-signature has become extremely convenient both within the company and with suppliers and business partners. Although document management tools had been implemented before quarantine, the epidemiological situation and work from home have accelerated further changes.
Needless to say, that during quarantine and pandemics, advanced document management systems have started being the new black – processes more and more often have transferred to remote. One of the main criteria that helped Rimi Lietuva choose Dokobit partners was the high level of security, convenience, and smoothness operations and that the solution works in all Baltic states. Rimi Lietuva uses Dokobit to sign documents using qualified e-signature with business suppliers and partners and within the company.
To ensure a smooth transition to signing using qualified e-signatures, the changes within Rimi Lietuva’s organisation have been implemented gradually. First, e-signing has been started in the Baltic commercial departments, ensuring the supply of goods, and signing probably the most significant number of contracts with suppliers. Gradually, innovation has begun to be introduced in other sectors of the organisation. Digital transformation has allowed Rimi Lietuva to make the best decisions, improve their e-signing functionality and promptly make changes.
By realising the convenience of the process, Rimi Lietuva employees quickly accepted the change. When signing documents by qualified e-signature, there is no need to print a document with a signature, collect physical signatures and send contracts by post or courier, which until then has extended the time taken to sign contracts. Now – everything is much simpler. You can sign a document from anywhere in just a few minutes. The company is pleased that the business partners with whom the contracts are being concluded have also been willing to accept this change and are using e-signing functionality.
Moreover, e-signing is a sustainable solution that saves paper that is usually used for printing documents. Since implementing the innovation, Rimi Lietuva has already managed to achieve satisfactory results – in a short period of time, paper printing has decreased by 63%. This solution saved as much as 257 kilograms of paper – 54,000 pages.