Great brands doing great things with Dokobit
Learn how most successful customers are building digital processes with Dokobit.

Telia Lietuva is the largest telecommunications company in Lithuania, which, according to the data of Communications Regulatory Authority, accounts for around 40% of the country’s electronic communications market based on income.

„Faster contract signing allows our clients to start using bought services almost right away, meanwhile, we are able to spend saved time on more effective communication and other tasks. Beside all the hassle of scanning, packing and sending out documents, we are now also sure that contracts don’t get lost, everything is kept and documented in one place.”
Daniel Karpovič, Head of B2B Product and Commercial Development at Telia
Serving more than 40,000 businesses in Lithuania, the company signs large quantities of documents daily, both internally and with customers and partners. Telia Lietuva has been strengthening digital customers service for a while now in order to optimise not only internal processes but also to offer customers a more convenient way to access services.
According to the company, such processes as document chasing have never been very effective in terms of time. The chain “send by email – sign – scan – send scanned copy – send out the original – sign the original – send by post to the client” wasted time of managers working with the customers. Frequent customer questions about the possibility to sign documents with Telia Lietuva using e-signature confirmed that digitalisation of processes is becoming the main goal not only for the company but also for the customers.
As life is moving to digital space, company has to ensure such customer service process that meets today’s needs — fast, secure, with just a few clicks.
When choosing a solution, reliability and transparency were one of the most essential things as well as the ability to start using it right away, without wasting company’s IT resources.
Telia Lietuva was also looking for the right functionality for the better user experience. Thus, the solution had to be convenient, simple, intuitive and have an option for branding. Dokobit e-document signing portal best met the expectations and requirements.
The company started using Dokobit e-document signing portal in the sales and service processes of business customers, mainly to sign service contracts. Telia Lietuva was the first telecommunications company in Lithuania that offered their customers to sign contracts electronically.
Shortly, the e-signing portal was tested by the company’s product managers, as well as HR, IT and procurement departments: to sign contracts with suppliers, IT service orders and work delivery certificates.
Telia estimates that after starting to use Dokobit, signing time of external documents has decreased from a few days to a few hours. Faster contract signing allows clients to start using bought services almost right away, meanwhile, the company is able to spend saved time on more effective communication and other tasks. The electronic process also ensures that contracts don’t get lost as everything is kept and documented in one place.
As the company states, in almost a year, the number of documents signed via Dokobit has almost doubled.