Great brands doing great things with Dokobit
Learn how our most successful customers are building digital processes with Dokobit.

Tele2 Eesti belongs to the international Tele2 Group, which offers communication and cable television solutions to more than 13 million customers across Europe. In Estonia, Tele2 provides high-quality mobile and data services to nearly 500 000 customers.

“The introduction of Dokobit solutions has helped us automate various manual tasks, such as exchanging contracts via email. As a result, the document signing process has become significantly easier for both customers and employees.”
Taaniel Sepp, Head of Business Development Department at Tele2 Eesti
At Tele2 Eesti, a significant part of sales is made over the phone. This means that many contracts need to be signed electronically every day. Before using Dokobit, e-signing involved various manual steps: it was necessary to download the contract from an internal sales program, send it to the customer as an email attachment and then wait for the document to be returned with an e-signature.
As the whole process was too time-consuming, Tele2 Eesti started to look for a quicker and more efficient solution.
Ease of use, convenience and reliability were among the main criteria when choosing a suitable e-signing solution. It was decided to cooperate with Dokobit as it was a well-known brand in Estonia and met all the company’s expectations and requirements. Today, Tele 2 uses Dokobit for e-signing contracts with their customers. Dokobit has helped Tele2 automate various manual tasks, such as downloading contracts and exchanging them via email. As a result, the document signing process has become significantly easier.
Introducing the Dokobit solution has helped Tele2 Eesti save time and increase customer and employee satisfaction. Faster and more convenient processes have also helped to improve the company’s sales performance. Another essential benefit that Tele2 Eesti points out is the security of customer data. If a contract is accidentally shared with the wrong email address, a third person will not be able to access the document.
Dokobit makes it possible to share contracts with customers in a much more secure way than before – to get access to the document, the customer must first authenticate themselves using Smart-ID, Mobile-ID or ID-card.