Great brands doing great things with Dokobit
Learn how our most successful customers are building digital processes with Dokobit.

Established in 1992, Šiaulių Bankas AB is the largest bank with Lithuanian capital, a stable and consistently growing financial partner with a special focus on business financing and consumer financing solutions.

“Growing business needs also raised demands for qualified service providers. Taking into account the scope of the qualified services provided, the possibilities of integrating them into the used systems, and adapting them to the bank’s specific needs, we chose Dokobit services.”
Andrius Kamarauskas, Director of the Daily Banking Department of Šiauliai bankas
As the need for digitisation of banking services in the market is increasing, it is natural that the necessity for complex e-signature infrastructure services has increased.
Although e-signature was used in Šiaulių bankas before, yet in response to the expectations of customers and employees, it was time to integrate the document management system, internal e-documents use processes, fulfil the needs of self-service functions, etc.
The growing business needs also raised requirements for qualified service providers. Taking into account the scope of the qualified services provided, the possibilities of integrating them into the used systems, and adapting them to the bank’s specific needs, Dokobit services were chosen. Today, Dokobit solutions are integrated into the data management systems used by the bank.
Dokobit solutions are used for the bank’s internal needs (such as employee onboarding, administration, and signing employment contracts) and external processes focused on the bank’s clients. Perhaps the most recent example is how a client remotely becomes a client of Šiauliai bankas. It is an opportunity for a natural or legal person to become a bank customer without physically coming to a bank branch. Dokobit services such as remote user identification and transaction signing are used for these processes. The volumes of services and processes that use Dokobit solutions are constantly growing.
These days, more and more people are getting used to using remote tools. In the banking sector, it is not only online banking, but also more and more other financial services are provided. For example, open an account remotely, submit an application for financing, manage and administer your bank products, and submit and receive inquiries, applications, and other documents by e-signing. Therefore, one of the most important results is customer satisfaction and the reduction of paper consumption.