Great brands doing great things with Dokobit
Learn how our most successful customers are building digital processes with Dokobit.

GelvoraSergel is one of the largest payment and debt management companies in Lithuania, with over 20 years of experience in the market and more than 18,000 clients. The company focuses on debt collection and the development of financial services and aims to become one of the largest payment management and recovery companies, offering a variety of financial and legal solutions to businesses in Lithuania.

“Previously, we used to send contracts by registered mail, and if we were lucky, the signed contract would return after a week. Now, it takes us a couple of minutes to sign a contract – we’re delighted to save much of our precious time.”
Ignė Vaičė, Legal and Compliance Manager
GelvoraSergel is a payment and debt management company that deals with a multitude of documents every day. As the pandemic hit, changes were inevitable, and their operations shifted to remote work, requiring documents to be signed remotely.
Earlier, during executive meetings, a huge stack of documents was brought in, and the director needed to sign each of them physically. The process was redundant: the director would sign the documents, which had to be mailed or scanned and emailed to other parties, with the hope of receiving the signed documents back. This process was time- and paper-consuming and it demanded a lot of unnecessary manual work and patience.
Equally significant is that GelvoraSergel belongs to the Marginalen group, and over time, it became crucial to sign documents with suppliers in other Baltic countries. Doing this physically was a time-consuming challenge.
GelvoraSergel uses Dokobit for signing contracts with clients (for collaboration, debt recovery, and factoring services), as well as for other documents (committee decisions, board meeting protocols, rules, internal procedures). The company appreciates the convenience of the portal.
The company emphasises that Dokobit was a perfect fit for them right from the beginning, due to the majority of features, clarity (e.g., indicating where the signature goes and where the annotation is placed), the ability to sign various document formats, reminders, introduction messages, and the easy tracking and monitoring of the signing chain.
GelvoraSergel is pleased with the benefits of the Dokobit portal. The convenient tracking of statistics helps monitor the quantity of signed documents, leading to significant paper savings for the company in just six months. Contracts within the organisation can span up to 20 pages, so the positive impact of not printing such contracts on the environment is substantial.
The company notes they are also very happy with the portal’s clarity and transparency: the entire signing chain and process are clearly visible. Earlier, they used to send contracts by registered mail, and if they were lucky, the signed contract would return in a week. Now, with Dokobit, signing a contract takes just two minutes, saving a huge amount of time. Signing documents is possible from any location at any time, whether working from home, in the office, or during workation.