Great brands doing great things with Dokobit
Learn how our most successful customers are building digital processes with Dokobit.

UAB AIF LT is a certified design company founded in 2007, providing services in territorial planning, building design, construction management, technical supervision of construction, and construction project management. The company designs buildings and engineering infrastructure, offers to consult on real estate development, and prepares feasibility studies and assessment documents. The company employs certified construction managers who carry out construction management, technical supervision of construction, and construction project management tasks. UAB AIF LT specialists have experience in designing and constructing commercial, administrative, residential, storage, industrial, and other types of buildings.

“Now we can carry out almost all signing-related processes at AIF LT with the click of a button. For example, if I notice that one of the parties has not yet signed a document, I simply click “send reminder” and wait – nothing else needs to be done.”
Daiva Urbonaitė, Project Administrator
A pile of paper contracts on colleagues’ desks, impatiently waiting for signatures – this scenario was a daily reality for many companies not long ago. These outdated manual processes were also part of the routine at the design company AIF LT.
It is no secret that design, architecture, or construction companies cannot avoid abundant paperwork. Previously, documents had to be printed, taken, or delivered for signing, scanned after receiving a signature, and sent to another party for signing. Then, the waiting, printing, and archiving would begin again. Sounds like a vicious cycle.
Gradually, as processes started to be optimised, AIF LT adopted e-signatures for signing documents. Daily tasks related to contracts and other document management became faster, but chaos ensued because each user had their own methods and e-signing tools. Therefore, it was decided to entrust document signing to a single solution – Dokobit.
This way, after testing several e-signing solution providers, the company AIF LT chose Dokobit for two main reasons.
First, the solution stands out for its intuitiveness, ease of use, and simplicity. Second, the company was interested by the competitive pricing.
Now, AIF LT uses Dokobit e-signing solutions to sign external documents (contracts with clients, subcontractors, etc.). The company is pleased with the solution’s intuitiveness and simplicity. One does not need extensive technological expertise to sign documents on the Dokobit portal – the solution is very user-friendly.
Previously, the company was burdened by excessive actions and unnecessary time-wasting – obtaining a single signature was a huge headache. Now, almost all signing-related processes can be done with the click of a button. For example, if it is noticed that one of the parties has not yet signed a document, you simply click “send reminder” and wait – no further action is required. As a result, AIF LT has noticed a significant reduction in related phone calls, trips, or emails. When there is no longer one stack of contracts, the company calculates that signing them electronically saves not just hours, but days of their valuable time.